Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Final day in Spain and a few observations

My final day in Spain was fairly uneventful. A few friends and I spent the majority of the day shopping around town. Every morning the city of Cadiz hosts a farmers market with all the fresh meat, fish, and fruits you could want. Except for strawberries! I looked everywhere and couldn’t find any. So much for my quest to eat strawberries in every country! I wish I could have bought a few bags of grapes for future snacks but we are not allowed to bring unopened (or fresh) food back onto the ship. We did, however, buy some fresh Churros. They were amazing! We bought a huge bag for only 2 euros. We couldn’t even eat all of them!

After we finished all of our shopping we decided to find some free wifi. My friend Kathy and many other SAS students were busy using skype. Although I’d heard of the program, I’d never actually used it. It’s really simple to use. I created my account, put some minutes on my account, and called my parents within minutes of downloading the program. It was sooo good to hear my parents voices! I wanted to call my sister but she was already at her job by that time. After everyone’s computers ran out of battery power we bought some ice cream and walked back to the ship. I’m currently waiting for the ship to set sail in about an hour. I think I’ll go to bed pretty soon after that. I have a 9 o clock Global Studies class tomorrow.

Observation #1: The biggest difference I noticed in Spain was with the transportation. The majority of streets within the inner city are very narrow. Most of them do not have (or have a very small) sidewalk. Cars and motorbikes drive fairly slowly and people are just expected to move out of the way when they see them coming. Other than that, people walk in the middle of the streets.

Observation #2: Unlike in America, the majority of stores do not open until 10 pm. Also, most stores close between the hours of 2:00-4:00/5:00 pm. This time in Spain is considered “Siesta” or nap time! My only real comment on this is: BEST. IDEA. EVER. I would love to have an expected time everyday to catch up on sleep.


  1. Sounds like a nice day. It was great to hear your voice. I got the skype all set up, so hopefully we can use it in Morocco.

  2. Knew you would love the idea of siesta's. All that food sounds great. I guess the ship food is more tolerable when you know you can get off and get those kinds of things to eat.

    Let us know if you might be able to use Skype but I would imagine the technology is not always there in the places you are going.

