Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I started my other two classes today: Global Studies and History of Ancient China. History of Ancient China should be a fairly exciting class. It’s obvious that the teacher is very passionate about Asian history. Global Studies was alright. We talked about foreign outsourcing which was an interesting topic, but it’s my earliest class and the loss of sleep is starting to catch up with me. Not only that, the class is held in the main lounge at the front of the ship where you can feel the ships rocking more than any other place. It was a real struggle to stay awake. Luckily, I was done with all of my classes by noon so I decided to do what I do best: NAP!!!

Student activity groups are finally starting. I attended the first “Alcohol free voyagers” group meeting. There were about 10 of us in attendance and we decided to go to a Flamenco Dance lesson in Spain.

The day ended with my roommate and I watching Finding Nemo on our small t.v. I don’t think I’ve mentioned anything about our T.V. yet. We get 6 channels. The first channel displays the ships location, how fast we are going, how many miles we’ve traveled, etc. Channels 2, 3, 5, and 6 all show a different movie or documentary every day. Channel 4 shows the “Dean’s Memo,” which is basically SAS’s version of the carnival capers. It shows all the activities for the day, reminds people to keep their cabin clean, has meal times, etc.

Tomorrow SAS is holding a “100th voyage kickoff party.” Apparently there will be barbeque and a “mash up” dance where we wear mismatched clothes. After eating the same food for multiple days, I’m extremely excited for something different. Tomorrow is also the last day to sign up for trips in Ghana, South Africa, Mauritius (pronounced like vicious, the “T” makes an sh sound fyi.), and India. I only signed up for few trips which I will post when I find out which one I’ve been accepted for.


  1. Hey, great to hear it is all going well overall. Sorry to hear about the patch and vision thing. I hope that clears up. I am back and jumping right in to classes, etc. and I can understand the how you are so tired. I am getting caught up as well.

    It sounds like you are finding a lot to do with your time and I hope you get used to the time changes, etc. I am keeping track of your emails at home so that is probably the best way to get to mom and me. If you have questions about papers while I am at work or about classes, etc. you can send that here so I will have it as a reminder to look or send you back some feedback. You might even give a heads up to either of us if you want to get some ideas about a paper, etc.

    Have fun!


  2. Oh, and have a good time at the 100 celebration. I hope they have a lot of those.

  3. I'm glad your classes are going well!! I hate that you're losing so much sleep, I feel your pain honey!!! BUT, look at it this way, on your way back around the world, hopefully you'll gain all those hours back right? You surely have to....

    It's quite interesting that there are only 10 people in the alcohol free group.....a testament to how much drinking goes on in college I guess huh? Good for you though, for joining and trying something new!! Flamenco dancing huh? Wow!!! :-)

    How's the vision? I hope it's better, you got lots of reading to do!! :-) Love ya!!!
