Saturday, August 29, 2009

Embarkation and Day 2

Embarkation turned out to be a fairly easy process. I woke up at the wee hour of 6 o’clock (That’d be 4 o’clock for all the American readers.), trekked to the ship, and waited to pass through security. Although the line looked long from a distance, people moved up quickly. Upon boarding the ship I had to pass through 8 “checkpoints.” These stations were just making sure that I’d paid all of my money, didn’t have any trip delays, and other general information. After that I was able to check out my cabin, #4151. My checked luggage arrived about 5 minutes after I did so I went ahead and started unpacking. Luckily, both of my suitcases fit perfectly under my bed. After getting settled in I left the ship to find my dad and get some lunch. We considered a few different places, but eventually decided to try some local subway. Then we walked down to the harbor front and back to the ship. I told him a final “farewell” and got back on the ship.

My roommate had arrived by the time I got back on the ship. Her name is Alison and she is from Baltimore. She seems pretty cool. I think we will get along fine. Me and a few of her friends went up to the top deck to socialize. I’ve met quite a few people, but I’m having trouble remembering everyone’s name. The muster drill was a pain. We had to stand in rows on deck 5 for almost an hour. After the drill was over we were ready to set sail. Although parents were not allowed very close to the ship, I could see my dad waving to me just outside of the pavilion. I stood outside watching land get smaller and smaller until we were finally completed surrounded by ocean. I was pretty exhausted by that point so I headed down to my cabin and went to sleep.

Day 2 was the first day in a long time that I have actually eaten a real breakfast. I had a pancake, some mixed fruit, and scrambled eggs. It was delicious! So far, all we’ve down today is attend multiple lectures on rules. Most of the information was just common sense: Don’t plagiarize, don’t steal peoples stuff, etc. At 11:30 I went to deck 6 for lunch. It wasn’t quite as good as breakfast, but it wasn’t bad. The rice curry was REALLY good. After lunch we had another 3 hours of lectures. I was hoping to buy a few shirts today, but the store is closed until tomorrow. We lose our first hour tonight. I’m already tired as it is so hopefully my first day of classes wont be too bad. I know this has been said in every other blog, but it’s really funny to see people trying to walk straight while the ship is rocking. Luckily, the rocking doesn’t seem to be affecting me too much. In fact, I enjoy the rocking! The water is a gorgeous crystal blue and we’ve had mostly smooth sailing these past two days. There is an “activities fair” tonight. Next blog will be about my first day of class and the activities I decide to join.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I'm so glad to read this post and see that things are going well!

    Glad that your suitcases fit under the bed, I wonder if you ended up taking the big one? Glad that the food isn't too bad!

    I think it's so neat that you were able to see Dad when he was waving to you. He wrote to us on facebook and said that he was watching the ship sail away and was willing you to come to the back of the boat so he could see you, and sure enough you DID!! He also made me cry when he blamed his "watering eyes" on the wind and the gooseberries, LOL! He was sad to see you go, and so are we! BUT, I know you're going to have such an awesome time!

    I hope that your first day of classes tomorrow is smooth, and hopefully kind of easy! And can I just say that I am So jealous that you are seeing that beautiful blue ocean and I am stuck here in the middle of the continental US surrounded by land!! Take some pictures of the ocean for me, cause those are always some of my favorite shots! It always amazes me when I see so many different shades of blue in the same ocean.

    Well, I'm going to bed now. The boys need to be put to bed as well, crankpots that they are!! Love ya sis, hope to hear from you soon!! (sorry this turned out to be more like an email than a blog comment!!)
